Eric - King amongst Coders (self appointed)
Bartolemy - Grand Dictator of Programming (officially appointed)
Pustule - Malapert Knave (junior programmer)
Eric : I still can’t believe you are rejecting my code because I indented it with 5 spaces instead of 4.
Bartolemy : Believe it, baby!
Pustule : Oh yea of shallow faith!
Eric : While you guys were getting coffee, I flipped through my copy of the coding guidelines. Here…it says indentation – 5 spaces. What do you say to that?
Bartolemy : Lemme see that….hmm…you seem to be right. But I was so sure….
Pustule : Hey! I know the problem. That is version of the coding guidelines from last week. The latest one is dated 2 days ago.
Bartolemy : You are using outdated guidelines, my friend!
Eric : Gaah!
Pustule : You are supposed to check the quality website every day for updates.
Eric : (unbelievingly) And read 1 million words of the most incredibly boring text on earth every day?
Bartolemy : Absolutely!
Pustule : Indubitably!
Eric : When do I code?
Bartolemy : You can skip lunch occasionally and code. You are too fat anyway.
Eric : I suppose being overweight is against some quality policy as well?
Bartolemy : Of course! Section You would know it if you read the quality guidelines properly.
Pustule : I code during coffee breaks.
Eric : I know. That’s why your code brings down the corporate web server.
Bartolemy : But it is quality compliant.
Eric : Gaah! OK, I’m sick of arguing with you guys. I’ll write me a small tool to convert the indentation of my code to 4 spaces.
Bartolemy : Not so fast, bub! If you are writing a tool, it needs to be code reviewed before you run it.
Eric : Arrrgh!
Eric tears off his Speak-With-Geek T-Shirt and slams it on the floor. Then he does a Navajo fire dance on it.
Pustule : Hey! If you don’t need that T-Shirt any more, can I borrow it?
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