Friday, November 21, 2014

A village gone to pot

Winding our way back to the hotel for the evening, we made one more stop, a village of tribal potters. Nearly the whole village indulges in pottery, whether legitimate or illicit. They have, in a word, gone to pot. As always, here's a bit of the countryside on the way...
The makeshift potter's wheel...

Here are the lads, makeshifting the makeshift potter's wheel.

Here's the master potter at work.
Here's a video of him bring the wheel up to speed...
And then he goes to pot
These chaps work in a gloomy barn sort of structure, but there's a lovely view outside.
A sidey potter laying out to dry the stuff made by the master potter

After it has dried, they cover it in a great mound of hay and fire it. I took a picture of it, but decided not to post it. It looks like... a big mound of hay. The finished stuff, after firing...