Friday, March 11, 2016

After Good God-2 ...What?

Hi Guys,

Good God - Book 2 is heading to an end, another few episodes to go. What will replace it? Good God - Book 3? That depends on you.
Would you like another adventure of Adam and Eve and their Good God? God gets tired of being god, and turns into a full time rock star - that is one of the ideas I am playing with. Or, after so many years, have you had enough of this strip?
The other plan I have is to resurrect a strip I did many years ago - Searching for Godot. You can still see it in the archives. It was about a Frenchman searching for his lost brother in India. It was a great story, unfortunately my drawing skills at the time were rather primitive. I plan to recreate that strip with improved art and text. And an improved story, naturally. Let me know if you would like that.
Or would you like something totally new? Give me your ideas.
Post your opinion as a comment to this post, or as a message on my Facebook page ( OR USE THE POLLING GADGET ON THE RIGHT