Saturday, October 10, 2020

Quaint church in the Alpine meadows: Rossinière

Continuing my series of posts on our trip to Switzerland: No trip there can be complete without a hike in the Alpine meadows with cowbell music, and we duly took care of that on the second-last day, right after visiting Gruyeres Castle (see previous post). We selected for our peregrinations Gantrisch Natural Park, mostly because it was a short drive from our base in Cully, and from looking at Google maps it seemed to be full of lovely low hills and meadows, which undoubtedly had platoons of cows, all duly accessorized with bells. It was while driving around the park looking for an appropriate place to begin our hike, and perhaps find a B&B to stay overnight, that we ran into a quaint old 14th century church in the village of Rossinière. Absolutely picturesque, I think you will agree after you check out these shots (followed by a few shots of the hike itself): 

And here are the photos from the hike itself. No cows in these photos, but I assure you they were there, complete with loudly clanging bells.