According to the Newspapers, apparently there is this group of girls in Bangalore who have gotten together and stand at the corner of MG road and stare at boys. They call themselves Blank Noise. The idea is to give boys a taste of their own medicine, because girls get fed up of being stared at all the time.
Now girls, here is my question...what exactly is your problem if boys stare at you?
I owe up - I am one of the culprits. When I see a pretty girl, I stare unabashedly.
But it is a stare of admiration, worshipful adoration. My humble ocular homage to the creativity of that great despot in the sky. I mean...why couldn’t that cranky old gasket make more pretty girls instead of worms and cockroaches and suchlike? I bring up W&C only because I’ve just seen a hooooorible French movie at Alliance Française called 'Crimson Tide' which featured mutilated rotting corpses covered in cockroaches and worms, and I couldn’t eat for a day after that.
But I digress...
What these girls are doing is staring fixedly at boys and making them uncomfortable.
But ladies, is that how we look at you?
I mean, if a girl looked at me with the kind of admiration that we boys look at you girls, I would be HONOURED, if not elated.
Actually, once in a while I HAVE caught girls looking at me (VERY occasionally). So was I honored? Actually no. The fact is, I know I am no male Adonis, so if a girl looks at me, my first thought is - Oh God! Is my pant slipping and showing my undies again? BUT, there have been these other times, even more rare, when I was absolutely sure my pants weren’t slipping, my shirt was clean, and there was no snot on my nose, and a girl had looked me. And I had been elated!!!
In fact, once - just once in my life - I caught a rather pretty girl looking at me with a pleasant smile on her face. It was such a nice smile, I was sure she wasn’t laughing at me - for some weird reason she seemed to like what she saw. Maybe she had just undergone prefrontal lobotomy. Or maybe she was just short-sighted. Anyway, I tell you - I was happy for DAYS after that.
So, dear ladies of Blank Noise, why don’t you just luxuriate in the admiration and adoration of us poor humble males and let us be? After all, beauty and youth does not last for ever, does it? Enjoy the attention while you get it.